Ever since it was founded in 2009, HAPPYSAM has engaged in cultivating Korean ginseng and developing various products that consumers trust and take in and also has informed a lot of people in the world of the excellence of Korean ginseng with the motto ‘The Light for Your Health.’ Our ginseng has been grown on the fertile soils of the Geum-san region in Korea. Geum-san ginseng has been recognized to have the most excellent medicinal efficacy among the ginsengs from other domestic regions and foreign countries. ASHAN is the first soap brand of HAPPYSAM. We would like to convey the feeling of ‘Korean thing’ and Korean beauty through the brand name ‘ASHAN.’ ASHAN is a combination of the undiluted solution that had fermented high quality raw ginseng for one year and 100% natural ingredients. Recent studies have found that fermented ginseng has numerous health benefits, including anti-aging benefit and cancer prevention. ASHAN Brand Identity‘A’ in a ginseng shape means health and good faith for customers. Korean and vigorous BI involves our ideas that put health and truth as well as an excellent quality on every product we sell. Ginseng stem hanging red berries reflects a future-oriented and go-ahead attitude. We hope that the fragrance of lovely ASHAN will spread to a lot of people.